Jeffrey Peterson: The 420 Comic

Walking towards the back entrance of Liberty Bell Temple in Los Angles I continuously asked myself what in all that’s hot in hell was I getting into? Here I am a happily married man who has slowed his lifestyle down considerably over the past 5 years after coming to the belief that yea I’m old and I’d like to see older ( sorry folks Flash has been reduced to grass and necessary back pills, ok lots of grass) who has received the not so flattering but probably accurate reputation as a stick in the mud about to sit down with a man two years his senior who makes no apologies for believing in his rights to ingest whatever drugs turn him on, drip his seed onto anyone that wants it, has made 11 treks to Burning Man, created the character Bastard Santa, and whose favorite quotes include “Do I make You Horny?“ and “Hey Bud, Let’s Party.” My guess was we weren’t going to start out discussing this weeks Lunch with the FT interview or McLaughlin Group topics. That’s where the status of petrified stick firmly planted in ice age mud comes in. Do I ever get tired of being wrong? Once I did, but I was only mistaken. What I found was a self made publisher and comedian with profound knowledge on America’s marijuana war, an environmentalist, a man who has not forgotten where he’s been, knows exactly where he’s going and how he plans on getting there along with a new found respect for dissoluteness.

As the Provost of Introvert University It was beyond my understanding how Jeffery became comfortable leaving his lifestyle and himself as open as a third generation Southern Illinois inbred’s zipper to public censure. It seems routine physical trouncings and an all mom household helped shaped his hardened stance towards criticism. “ I was raised in a radically dysfunctional situation, I come from the east coast, I’m a Mayflower New Englander but I was moved to the Southwest when I was a kid and raised by lesbians in the hood. I was definitely the odd man out. I got my ass kicked on the way to school at school and on the way home from school.”  Another toke and he continued to explain “ The funny thing is I was there for acting and some other kids were there for murder and rape 101. Because of my situations I’ve always looked to the bright side of life. I’ve always found that laughter and levity will get you through everything.”

Having found out what made the man it was time to move on to what the man was now making. Tell me about Cali Chronic X your adult film star and pot online publication I asked. “ Cali Chronic X is an alternative lifestyle magazine for the cannabis culture community. We are the first magazine to feature adult film stars smoking weed which differentiates us from the other sexually orientated cannabis magazines that are cropping up. It was in print for about a year but  now we publish only online. We didn’t see that much justification in putting something in print and contributing to a paper problem. We’ve reached a broader market online and we receive about 50,000 to 80,000 hit’s a month. We want to reach the more fringed stoner, the forgotten stoner that’s into the tattoo, piercing, extreme sports lifestyle, those who enjoy living on the edge because that’s where we come from the edge. We like Hip Hop we like Reggae but we also like Metal and we think there is a place for all that in the cannabis culture.”

It was at this point in the interview that Jeffery noticed I had passed on the last 5 or so go rounds at the steam roller and asked me if “I was one of those guys who just got high after work.” I assured him that pretty much I was high all the time however I am 40, Jewish, and my bald head was my body’s first sign of yielding to my undeniable metamorphosis into everyone’s favorite alter kokcer, schlepy, kvetching father who can’t see well in the dark who has a 1 hour drive back home which is going to turn into 2.5 hours because of Friday afternoon traffic and the whole time I have to deal with mashugana drivers who refuse to merge into traffic from the entrance ramp until the broken white line ends no matter how much room I give them and what’s with all this driving in the shoulder lane and cutting back in just to get 5 fucking cars ahead and oy my backs going to be killing me so I‘m going to wind up taking a pill for that and I had already smoked a sacrament bowl before entering the temple. After a slight adjustment of my pants back up to my naval Jeffery appeared to be on board with the whole megile.

While doing research for this interview I came across a clip where Jeffery mentions his arrest at Venice Beach. I was unable to resist finding out if the police department was still taking their arrest procedures directly from the manuals of Pol Pot and Idi Amin. Unfortunately for all of us it seems they still are. “I got busted down in Venice Beach in a sting operation. I’ll say this folks just be careful when you are down at Venice Beach because a lot of the people who seem like they’re on the up and up a lot of the people who seem like they’re so called cool in the weed movement are not your friends. They’re FBI agents they’re undercover and they’re really there to trick you so I learned a valuable lesson with that experience.” Things still didn’t add up to me. Why would a man with a medical marijuana card and a high profile (all pun intended) in the most liberal of medical marijuana states get busted? “ I had my card and they didn’t catch me with a speck of weed, not even a seed not even a stem and they considered me a drug dealer. I knew right then when the cop hand cuffed me and started whispering in my ear why don’t you make a joke now 420 Comic I realized what was going on then they handcuffed me to a bench for 7 hours.” I quipped I guess you’re a somebody now huh? “I’m somebody with more knowledge of the inside of Twin Towers and anybody whose been there knows it’s very real and it’s very unjust. It was a message being sent to me and some people in the movement told me that it was the stripes I guess I had to earn.”

“If everyone demanded peace instead of another television then we’d have peace.” John Lennon said that and Jeffery’s answer to my question how the marijuana movement was progressing politically seemed to echo Lennon’s sentiment perhaps just a tad more aggressively. “It’s definitely progressing and California has been the catalyst although I think we’ve become complacent in general. I don’t necessarily consider myself a political activist as much as I do a cultural activist. I don’t care if it’s legal or not I just want it to be free. I have a solution though, in California we kind of hold the cards if we told the red states, mostly the states in the middle of the country until marijuana is legal across the United States they’ll be no more entertainment. We won’t be making anymore movies, anymore albums, you won’t be getting any more commercials, you won’t be getting anymore cool stuff to blow your mind. I think if the entertainment industry A.K.A Hollywood would hold the rest of the country ransom over pot we’d probably win this thing. We’d see how long they hold out. I guarantee you when they can’t watch Monday Night Football or Lost people are going to loose their cool.” As someone who would voluntarily initiate the tearing of  testicle from tissue in order to avoid missing any Monday Night Football game, I absolutely agree with him.

Having claimed that one of his favorite strains of marijuana (707 from Humbolt country)  gave a woman an orgasm I wondered whether he had contributed any effort towards climax. Jeffery turned to me with a grin that suggested mass contribution. “Hey, I did my part. This was a very amorous Persian woman. The thing about it was before we even made love she took a whiff of 707 and said it smelled like good sex. So while we were engaged in the act she was just about to reach climax and I just thought it would be fun to let her take a whiff of the jar and that sent her over the top. I think she is in a fulfilling relationship now which is good for her.” Now you tried marriage and it didn’t work out right? “ Yea, I tried marriage for 12 years and I did make it out alive though with my penis.”

As I mentioned earlier about 5 years ago I decided to radically change my lifestyle. It wasn’t that I had suddenly become pious and wasn’t going to be weak and poison myself with unnecessary toxins. I’m simply afraid of death and it made sense to me that I was better suited dealing with this fear by spending time at a gym and changing my habits rather than spending hours at a religious institution listening to someone else interpret scripture and then being expected to adopt said interpretation. I don’t understand the concept of not wanting to live forever and it’s that lack of ability to throw caution to the wind that led me to ask Jeffery how he expected to die. “Oh gosh, very happily. I see myself dying inside a very hot girl when I’m a very old man.  Dying as I was living, living life to the fullest. My death will be as rich as my life was and I’ve lived a pretty rich life. I don’t take a day for granted. I’ve lost friends, I’ve had people die in my arms.  I live with life and death every day. As for the Journey the Journey is my business and what I use to enhance that journey is my business as well.” Jeffery went on to explain that at age 42 he uses his expeditions to Burning Man to compartmentalize that aspect of his life.

If I have learned anything from countless hours of re watching Mel Brooks films it’s always leave on a high note. I didn’t want Jeffery’s last impression of me to be the guy who asked him to explain jail and death. Finish this for me I asked, pot porn and…. “  Pot plus porn equals peace. It’s an equation that we believe really could work. If we dropped a bunch of weed and porn on the troops over in Iraq and Afghanistan I think there would be a lot of guys jerking off and a bunch of other guys reaching for some Twinkies and some frozen burritos.” His answer brought to discussion marijuana’s roll in ending the Vietnam war something that most history books do not mention.
“Marijuana and Rock N Roll” he added. “When they couldn’t get the troops in Vietnam to fight any harder they brought in the Playboy Playmates. When they knew that the ranks were turning on themselves they allowed drug use and the messages they were getting back home from The Doors, The Rolling Stones, and Buffalo Springfield were we hear ya man this isn’t a cool thing that you’re stuck over there and I think unfortunately we are in a very complacent time in the world there’s wars going on and for the most part it’s business as usual.” Same as the old boss we agreed.

Since even that question ended in epic bummery and the clock was ticking on the amount of daylight remaining I left Jeffery with a fresh bud and ended the interview to start my half farkakt journey back home.

Jeffery will be running The 420 Flea Market at Palooka Pipes in Atwater Village (323) 664-9850 located at  3407 Glendale Blvd. LA, CA 90039 10 am to 5pm December 18th and 19th  where you can buy sell and or trade goods not found at Wal-Mart or Target andhang with weedleberties, and adult film stars.

You can find where Jeffery will be performing  and view clips of him at his Myspace page: as well as find him on Facebook as Jeffery Peterson and The 420 Comic. If
you would like to find out more about the webzine Cali Chronic X it can be found at: and on Facebook as Cali Chronic X

201 Responses to Jeffrey Peterson: The 420 Comic

  1. Pingback: Interview: Jeff Peterson The 420 Comic | Toke On This

  2. Stxchick - the VI Rocks! says:

    Great article. From my first meeting with Jeffrey I was totally impressed. Now I am impressed again. When you meet someone who has compelled change and is very down to earth – and then you learn more about what brought them to this point – it is way cool. Keep doing what you do Jeffrey – it seems to be working pretty well.

  3. I have worked with Jefferey Peterson on several business related Medical Marijuana Projects, ranging from printing of his 420 Magazines, and postcards to Online Cannibus projects for our website featuring weed mapping, and weed tracking online services. He is sincere, honorable, and a hilarious comedian. He has been very helpful in our online medical marijuana community at MyBestBuds. “A Friend With Weed… is a Friend Indeed” TM


  4. Jeffrey Peterson is a very funny comic! Check out his standup if you ever get a chance.

  5. Oscar Cruz says:

    Jeff Peterson is a wife-beating,drunk driving,gay-bashing drug addict white trash piece of shit who mooches off any coke-slut tramp he can find. The funniest thing about him is that he thinks he’ll have two nickels to rub together after his “career”.
    (Don’t take my word fot it….check the public record.)

    • This will be sent to My Attorney….along w/ the recording of the Threats and the Letters U sent to My Employers….Your going down Oscar Cruz, your Slanderous Bullshit will Cost U Bigtime….This Character Assassination Campaign is Over and So R U!

  6. Laura Guthrie says:

    Mr. Peterson, WOW! Never change; The world is a much better place with you in it. I’m a lucky girl to have met you. I feel like life has just begone. Everything happens for a reason. Jeffrey, you are my reason. Thank you 😉

  7. Thank U Laura, That made My Day ❤ U know some people just can't get passed their own self loathing and jealousy, Slander is an Ugly thing and Lies that R meant to hurt others will be revealed. Oscar Cruz is My Stalker and He is extremely dangerous. Let's hope that this 3 time loser is exposed for what he is, Nobody Special.

    • Oscar Cruz says:

      Your miscalculation…I haven’t “lost” once…or didn’t your “lawyers” explain that one in their Century City offices ?
      …and you are NOBODY. Period . End Of Story.
      ( Not sure ? Ask Entertainment Weekly or Rolling Stone. Better yet, check your bank balance, or your brand new 2014 Mercedes Car That Doesn’t Exist . )

  8. Anonymous says:

    Slander is a false spoken statement … WITH THAT SAID…Own your shit dude! Everyone knows you have a temper from hell and that you beat the shit of your wife.
    Eventually everyone ends up seeing your true colors.
    Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

    • Anonymous says:

      I saw this guy at the Ice House several years ago before the real comics came on. This guy is not funny. All he talks about is pot and porno, obviously a feeble-minded bum. That Oscsr guy is probably right about him being a wife-beating loser. He was yelling at a female employee there, probably because he was ousted for being so not funny and got canned. I see poverty in this guy’s future. He should do everyone a favor and drown in his bong.

      • Anonymous says:

        LMAO! My wife and I saw him yell at the female manager that night. He was damn right insane! He was pissed because his show got canned due to lack of attendance! What a hack wannabe.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad to say this as I am a comic on the scene and believed in Jeffrey. Took his side and trusted in him. Now I know better! Not only did he disrespect Pattie from the Ice House and for some reason is proud to be banned… He has burned bridges all over LA. Even to the folks who defended him! No wonder he left Los Angeles! No one respects him! He is a piece of shit who abused his wife! He lied and said he didn’t… Anyone who spends enough time with him will see his true colors. He is known for his short temper and is hated by all. People are only nice to him because they fear his wrath!

      • Anonymous says:

        People with violent tempers, who bully, have no other mental capacities. Usually, it’s mental illness or feeble-mindedness that creates anger. People as such fail in life as those two qualities lend to loserdom and poverty. Now people like us have to spend our tax dollars on loser twats like the Peterson Puke!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        U R Not a Comic Oscar Cruz, U R a Total Fake sucking off My ex Wife’s Tit

        • Oscar Cruz says:

          What could be wrong about sucking her tit ? I’d suck the other one as well.
          What if I told I haven’t seen or spoken to that person in years ?
          You obviously haven’t seen me LATELY…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone knows Oscar Cruz is a Slanderous Piece of Shit …Pipe Smoked

  9. Anonymous says:

    Not sure how that tool makes a living. Can’t see him keeping a job long enough before going off on someone! My wife saw his wife that night at the Ice House she was commenting on how sweet and meek she was. She was obviously being abused… Poor girl had bruises!

    • Anonymous says:

      That TOOL makes a Living packing clubs and Killing at The Top Comedy Clubs in the USA, in spite of your Hate campaign, I still am Successful…Fool

  10. VIC says:


  11. VIC says:


  12. VIC says:


  13. VIC says:


  14. Anonymous says:

    He is a waste of space on the planet.

  15. Anonymous says:

    He is a cum load that should have been swallowed

  16. Anonymous says:

    seriously? who’s laughing for you your paid audience or your friends? ha!
    what a total fucking looser hack you are

  17. Anonymous says:

    You put on such a front. Sheepman, what a fucking idiotic character. Hippy mellow stoner? Bullshit. Everyone in Los Angeles knows your full of shit and not funny at all. Give me a break. Your record of restraining orders alone is a red flag. Abusing your wife and getting in confrontations with promoters managers and fighting with everyone in general exclaiming ” don’t you know who I am” Yeah we know who you are Jeffrey Peterson! A lying abusing wife beater! A shitty comic who needs attention and likes to hear the sound of his own voice. You fail at everything. You are a looser! A nothing. A bully. An asshole. A pretentious, conceited, and pompous prick! Your governing behavior is enough to make me heave! A real man would never do the things you have done.

  18. tim says:

    looser! the only family you have is a piece of shit pot head junkie like you. haha .boo fucking hoo your other brothers got an inheritance and you are and always will be a broke joke. karma’s a bitch, eh? you’re always looking for a quick buck. using people to benefit yourself. you suck peterson. haha suffer a long miserable life you ass !

  19. KYMMIE says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Karma is a bitch. He got what he deserved, nothing. His brothers got half a million each and Jeff got nothing. 0+0=0. It’s basic math. zero for the zero. That is a such an embarrassment but let’s face it, irresponsible, pothead, unemployed, mooching losers usually get left out of wills. He should know that’s all he is by now. Maybe not, losers are usually stupid too.

    • Anonymous says:

      and Oddly I get Laid a lot!

  20. Oscar Cruz says:


    • Anonymous says:

      My Boyfriend Oscar folks…He’s soooooo Cute. Say hi to Linda Lou

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow oscar are you sexually attracted to jeffrey. You seem obsessed. I know you are trying to pretend you are not gay. But we all know you are flaming mad with it. How sad for you

        • Anonymous says:

          Wow oscar are you sexually attracted to jeffrey. You seem obsessed. I know you are trying to pretend you are not gay. But we all know you are flaming mad with it. How sad for you. Have you and Linda been dwelling on this shit since they split. Or has Linda slipped deeper into pharmacutical addiction and you two sad as fuck losers with no one else found refuge in each other? The closet homosexual who has obviously way too much time on his hands and the sloppy now obesely overweight pill head sticky fingered shop lifter. How romantic. But Oscar, girl, you can suck my dick again anytime….. love ya boo

          • Anonymous says:

            I am going to be serious here, abuse of any kind is not OK. If you do it, you will be punished and live a miserable life until YOU deal with the issue. Whatever happened with your wife was her choice. Who wants an unemployed bum who can’t maintain employment, gets high all day and hits her. Don’t berate her because she “womaned” up and left you. No woman with an ounce of dignity would lower standards to be with a “male” like you. You brought it on and deserved it so move on and be real. Obviously marijuana isn’t helping you but making you violent instead. You shouldn’t call her fat and an addict either because those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

            • Anonymous says:

              be serious and fuck off when U Do…Folks, my Stalker is an IDIOT and heading to JAIL soon…STONE THROWN! ` The 420 Comic

          • Anonymous says:

            Oscar is a Total Nutcase Ready for a Straight Jacket and He has the Hots for Me

        • Anonymous says:

          Ask your brother he loved fucking O

    • Anonymous says:

      OOOOOOOOOooooooo! Oscar Has the Ballz to Not Hide behind a Fake persona! BTW My Nephew is right behind U

  21. Oscar Cruz says:

    * My FARTS are funnier than your “jokes”.
    * You PACK the fudge into your nephew’s asshole – big time.
    * Your nephew is RIGHT BEHIND YOU, fucking you in the ass !
    * I know drug-payola when I see it – because your act is NOT FUNNY !
    * Q: How much dope does it take to keep that whore-ass “girlfriend” of yours in your low-life ?
    A : Not much – ’cause she’s a dope-SLUT. (She’d just GIVE it away for a bump.)
    * Word to YOUR MOTHER : You’re a leg-end in your own mind.

    Because the choices you think you have are the ones you CAN’T CHOOSE.
    You’re NOTHING BUT a pussy-ass loadie white-trash washed-up old TURD.

    P.S. Do you know who Mark Udall is ?

  22. Oscar Cruz says:

    You know that private matter about what a woman needs to do to prove her true love to you ?
    That thing about working your asshole with a dildo ?
    Your secret’s safe with me !
    THERE IT IS FUCK-FACE : Now you and your imaginary attorney can do what-ever the fuck you both want, suck each other’s dicks, compare dildos, etc….
    Because I’ve got floors full of attorneys ready to rock, pro-bono, with the STATE’S EVIDENCE from June 8, 2008 , in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City., who know the FIRST AMENDMENT inside out ….I’m gonna PROVE every word I say.
    You won’t have your inbred nephew there to punch me in the eye, this time.
    Want me to pull the doctor’s reports, too ?

    A word of advice : NEVER BELIEVE what any LAPD detective says about “seeking justice” for a victim. They just work for the city, Jeffery.


  23. jeffrey peterson says:

    Everybody loves Anal…especially Me…Face it Oscar U want My Ass the way my Ex-wife did but U know her Dick is bigger than yours!

    • Anonymous says:

      But everyone’s bigger than Jeff’s half-incher!!

    • Christian says:

      So you like a dildo or other meat substitute there? You keep calling other people gay. That’s typical of closet homosexuality. It looks like you wish Oscar was gay because you want him, not vice-versa and what’s so hard about spelling your name. It’s L-O-S-E-R! Get used to it and face reality. There is no fame and no packed real clubs.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you like a dildo or other meat substitute there? You keep calling other people gay. That’s typical of closet homosexuality. It looks like you wish Oscar was gay because you want him, not vice-versa and what’s so hard about spelling your name. It’s L-O-S-E-R! Get used to it and face reality. There is no fame and no packed real clubs.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your suck a fag! Jajajaja
      No no no no

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow Peterson you are a fucking faggot!

  24. jeffrey peterson says:

    Cuba called. They said fuck off

  25. jeffrey peterson says:

    It still fit in your Mom’s tiny asshole…I came…she loved it. Who’s your Daddy?

  26. jeffrey peterson says:

    U spelled My name wrong Dipshit

  27. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Terminate his career with extreme prejudice…

  28. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Mother Fucking titty sucking two ball bitch, Mama’s in the kitchen cooking red hot shit, Daddy’s in Hell, brother’s in jail, sister’s on the corner sayin’ “Pussy for Sale”
    (Knightriot Mafia, 1988-1992)

  29. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Interstate Blues! The new album: “Jealous of Jews” ! Out now on Envious Records and Tapes !

  30. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    The 420 Comic is a worthless white trash turd that should have been flushed down the toilet of the men’s room in Ye Hoary Old Rainbow Bar and Grill in 1992. ( WHEN he was fired out of the Knightriot Mafia for being a slacker “singer”! ) He’s just a bigger, certain magnet for hypocritical sleaze buckets like washed-up Frazer Smith. They need to come to Tucson, check into a nursing home, get a hot water bottle, a bottle of Geritol, and watch the Lawrence Welk Show until the day they BOTH FUCKING DIE !

  31. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Is that 420’s girlfriend, or is that a DOG that had it’s ASS SHAVED and taught to WALK BACKWARDS ?!

  32. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic is a sociopathic parasite, he is worse than cancer, and HE IS GOING TO PAY !!!!

  33. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Hey Dr.Phil, I don’t see so good, is that Bill Shakespere over there? No it’s the 420 Comic…
    Well, La-Dee-frickin’ Da ! Jeff’s gonna have plenty of time to roll Doobies when HE’S LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER ! (Chris Farley Forever! SNL REAL comic actor! )

  34. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Would somebody please offer the 420 Comic a ride home…he’s had too much to drink and smoke tonight …and besides- his Car Doesn’t Exist !

  35. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    DUH ! NAR-NAR!

  36. Oscar Cruz Jr says:


  37. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    P.S.-Dean Scavone, a fat, counterfeit Italian in Glendale, LOVES to SUCK Peterson’s microscopic white trash penis, in a manner of speaking, in my humble Cuban opinion. Don’t believe me ? Ask Ray….

  38. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Dan Peterson + Dean Scavone : A Real Dead Ringer For Love !

  39. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Jeff Peterson will take good care of you…but do as he says, don’t do as he do ! (Genesis, 1991)

  40. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    What’s the matter, Issac Mother Fucking Newton, ya’ll outta Observations ? Why don’t you Observe while I blast your “career” out of the water ! ( Dazed and Confused, 1993 )

  41. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Hey, wake up you Fuckface 420 Cocksucking Bitch, I’m insultin’ ya, here! Get your face outta Frazer Smith’s pants for a minute! Put down your dildo and your bong and tell me if you know who Kamala Harris and Martha McSally are? Because they are about to know all about June 8, 2008 in Tujunga and August 16, 2018 in Las Vegas. Or would ya prefer that my ex-gangster brother-in-law “explain” it to ya?

  42. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    And if you ever violate my ARIZONA airspace / No Fly Zone EVER AGAIN, I will march over and picket Stir Crazy club With A Little Help From My Friends ! SO – Stick your First Amendment Rights in your white trash asshole, you sociopathic parasitic BITCH ! This Cuban Exile’s Son of a Bitch is mobilizing! You Ca-br-own Pen-day-ho !

  43. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    The usual Knightriot Mafia suspect line-up: Jeff Peterson, Dan Peterson, Jaime Purpora, Jeremy Crowther, Shane Peterson, Dean Scavone. BEWARE THE KNIGHTRIOT MAFIA, in Los Angeles and Las Vegas! Don’t let your guard down around these WT clowns!

  44. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    The Knightriot Mafia’s new TVs are on top of their old TVs, in Tujunga, CA !

  45. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Switching ON targeting computer….almost there, almost there…

  46. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Witness, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Roaring Silence of Jeff Peterson the 420 Fraud and the Knightriot wife-beaters, drug addicts, gay bashers, cowards, and Neo Nazis ! Seek and Destroy their “careers” and agenda in Hollywood and Las Vegas NOW ! They are dazed and confused in the Fog of WAR !!!!!!

  47. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Now their ass-hole-ciate comic “friend” Brad Williams is pretending to do charity work on Go Fund Me to give his “career” a bump in the press. What a “hero”! Fucking little opportunist BITCH! Didn’t he say he was going to “get me”, or some bullshit like that ? So, tough guy, when are going to come to Pima County? Did you let your mouth write a check your scrawny little ass couldn’t cash ?! Have you seen me LATELY? Hey, shut the fuck up, midget ! Don’t let anybody kick you through the goal posts at Raiders Stadium….

  48. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Is that his WIFE, or is that a DOG that had her ASS SHAVED and taught to WALK BACKWARDS?!

  49. Oscar Cruz says:

    And P.S. I can tell you what the rest of us were doing in 1984 mother fucker, and that was having a good time WITHOUT YOU, little Mini BITCH ! Now have another Diet Coke and write another stupid joke, and if it’s jokes you want LOOK IN THE MIRROR, tiny excuse for a real MAN !

  50. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Are you going to “rape by fraud” anybody at Disneyland any time soon ? How about Carlos Mencia ?

  51. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    I guess none of these little white trash cowards to going to respond in this internet forum anytime soon…that’s OK, I am a patient man. The world is a volatile place, isn’t it? Isn’t it, little tiny BITCHES ?!

  52. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    Yeah, You Go Boyyyy ! GO ON and tell commie pinko Bernie Sanders to go fuck himself, Mr. Flavor Flav ! Why, I was on the phone to Miami this morning with the Cuban American National Foundation, about sinking the Bernie and 420 Comic agendas DEEP SIX in the Carribean Sea very soon !

  53. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Here’s a questionaire for all you BITCHES on the Internet : How many Cuban people does Crazy Oscar know in South Florida ? How many militants does Harvard attorney Torry Castellano know in Israel and the Ukraine ? How many phone numbers do my sister and her buff husband still remember in LA County ? What are my Navy girlfriend and my niece carrying in their purses ? Ask yourself ALL these questions BEFORE you threaten to murder me at an Armored Saint concert again..

  54. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    And P.S. : Armored Saint and the Donnas = True Legends of Real Rock and Roll ! Knightriot Mafia ? =a Neo Nazi, a drug addict poser excuse for a singer, a wife beater, and a fucking good for nothing Facebook lying worthless “father” ! By the way, WHEN was that “restraining order” filed ? WHAT was the date and WHICH courthouse was it filed at ? WHO was the judge who signed the order ? IT’S ALL DAN PETERSON’ S GOD DAMN Facebook LIES, folks !!!! SUCK ON THAT Shane and Dean !

  55. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    You have your ORDERS, America : Terminate their “careers” with Extreme Prejudice ! It takes CUBAN STEEL BALLS to bark out ORDERS, doesn’t it ? Well, you SOBs, now you KNOW how I feel…just remember, no SOB ever won a war by “dying for his country”. ( General George S. Patton, World War 2, and Francis Ford Coppola )

  56. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    JESUS LOVES Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic…and EVERYBODY ELSE thinks he’s a STUPID ASSHOLE! ( William Peter Blatty, “Legion”)

  57. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    This is an actual Knightriot Mafia quote, on Yom Kippur : “My commute into Hollywood was easy today. If Hitler had completed that “Final Solution”, my drive into Hollywood would be easy EVERYDAY” (Unquote) Quiz : What is Hitler’s birthday ? (The REAL agenda of the Knightriot Mafia!) Don’t believe me? Ask 3 Jewish women in Los Angeles who heard the statement…

  58. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great ; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I WILL CURSE him who curses you ; And in you all the families of the Earth shall be blessed” Genesis 12:2,3 the Torah, or Old Testament, The Lord’s Promise to Abram

  59. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    JESUS LOVES Jeff Peterson…and EVERYBODY ELSE thinks he’s a STUPID ASSHOLE!

  60. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    If you’re furious about stalkers, you could give your heart to Sweet Mr. JESUS, but your white trash ASS belongs to the Cuban American National Foundation in Miami and the G&LC of SN !!!!

  61. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    And, who knows, your worthless deadbeat stoner ASS might also belong to the Navy SEALs Team REAL FAST, you stupid little BITCH!

  62. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Oh, yes, Haters make you “famous”, like Harvey Wienstein and Bill Cosby ! What good did it do for your Vegas Boys, Sam Kinison (dead homophobic comic) and murderer O.J.Simpson ? Look in the wreckage of Sam’s car for an answer. . . (State’s Evidence, Little BITCH)

  63. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Jeff’s fortune cookie says: He’s SHIT OUTTA LUCK !

  64. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    You know what, don’t bother calling the fumigators, the Petersons have more germs than Cuban George Romero’s zombies from Pittsburgh ! Just burn them up on the lawn !

  65. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    We got ’em, R2, we got ’em !!!!

  66. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Hey Linda Lou ! I Kissed a Boy and I liked it…hope his girlfriend don’t mind it ! I Kissed a Boy, just to try it !

  67. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    I hope the Knightriot Mafia get “Captain Trips” Coronavirus in their butts…you know how it got there, don’t you ? Dildos, anyone ?

  68. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Who’s going to show up to laugh at your lame “jokes” now, 420 Dumbfuck ! You suck shit, white trash BITCH!!!!

  69. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    I hope you DO become a LOOTER, so the police can SHOOT YOU, thief !

  70. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    I hope you DO become a LOOTER, asshole, that way the police can SHOOT YOU, thief !

  71. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    How are you enjoying the National Emergency, cowardly BITCH ?! Don’t blow ALL your money on weed..

  72. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    When there’s no more room in HELL, Coronavirus will walk the EARTH ! ( You’re the one who’s ROTTEN, 420 Zombie….)

  73. Mike says:

    Watched this guy have a full on conspiracy melt down on fb and it was the funniest thing he has done

  74. You are the joke says:

    I’ve had funnier wet farts than this ass hat

  75. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    White Trash like The 420 Comic, Frazer Smith, prostitutes, chronic gamblers, drug addicts and alcoholics are worth LESS than a piece of TOILET PAPER in Las Vegas during a National Emergency !

  76. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Frazer Smith LOVES the smell of the 420 Comic’s ASS when there’s no toilet paper available !

  77. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    You had your life planned carefully, but you left out one detail.The Hidden Hand deals just one round,and the Winds of Change prevail….The Wind’s starting to howl, The Beast is on the prowl, can’t you hear it’s strange cry : Winds Of Change are blowing by ! (Jefferson Starship,1982)

  78. Oscar Cruz Jr says:

    So, does anybody really care if the worthless good for nothing lazy drug addict 420 dumbfuck comes back after the Coronavirus?! I didn’t think so! Go right ahead : Shoot that God-damn looter !

  79. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Count Vamp’d nightclub on Las Vegas during an Armored Saint concert is NOT a very private place to make a terrorist to murder someone in of other concertgoers and the bouncer. However, Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic thought was a good idea on August 16, 2018. In retaliation for that outrage, I WILL be actively destroying the 420’s “career” and “legacy”, until Oscar Cruz Jr. damn well sees fit. I not threatening you, I AM WARNING YOU: Do not stand in my way or you share his fate. If you don’t believe me, see if you make a lair of my two STEEL CUBAN BALLS! I will put a stop to your major mother-fucking malfunction, hypocrites ! Play at YOUR OWN RISK, darlings…

  80. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Correction: 420 made a TERRORIST THREAT against me, in FRONT of other concertgoers on 8/16/18, at an Armored Saint concert in Las Vegas. So, in other words, this worthless deadbeat drug addict Peterson made a threat to commit more violence at a music event, less than one year after the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States of America ! ( Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, 10/1/17 ) Also, I meant to post “Make A LIAR out of Two Cuban Steel Balls” ! It seems I make spelling errors when somebody gets my CUBAN DANDER UP! Oh, well, I’M HUMAN, so sue me, or bitch about me to your English Lit. teacher at Berkeley, for Christ’s sake ! See if I FUCKING care ! You ARE the company you keep, so choose WISELY, Las Vegas, Nevada. FUCK DO I CARE in Pima County, Arizona. All I want is for the White Trash From Tujunga to Eat A Full Bag Of His Own Shit, in the words of Taime Downe of Faster Pussycat. THINK CAREFULLY. You can get your marijuana legally now, you don’t have to be “load of liggers”, as they say in England, for Jeff Fuck-up Peterson anymore. DO NOT, under any circumstances, Fuck With The Wrong Cuban over this, Vegas or LA darlings…OK, thanks for reading this post, now you can go back to taking it up the ass without lubes from the Coronavirus. ( Like the 420 with favorite dildo, by the way…) Word to your mother…

  81. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    “Liggers” : British slang for people who attend social gatherings and entertainment events for the sole purpose of obtaining food, drinks or drugs free of charge from the host. ” There’s a load of liggers roaming about the gig, mate.” “Call the bouncer and remove this ligger from the backstage !” ” That bloke is a champion ligger of the first division! ” In other words, buy your own pot, and stop kissing White Trash Tujunga ass to get what floats for free ! Now, please cue up The Donnas’ “You Wanna Get Me High” from the 2002 Atlantic Records album Spend The Night and get the message from 4 Smokin’ Hot REAL Rock and Roll Stars !

  82. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Boys To Bounce and Girls To Chat…

  83. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    “Come the dawn on Judgement Day, you’ll get down on your knees and pray, sayin,’ “Good Lord don’t ‘ya send me away! Don’t ‘ya send me away! NO! NO! NO! ” Coverdale/Page, 1993

  84. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    The Las Vegas and Hollywood chapters of the Middle Aged/Senior Citizen Jealous Cocksuckers Lonely Hearts Club Band: Jeff Peterson (the 420 Fuck-up), Tranny-Lover Dan Peterson (Fake “bass player”), his white-trash mafia hitter excuse for a son Shane Peterson ( You WILL be hearing from me, cowardly little cracker mother-fucker! ), Goose-stepping greaseball guitarist Jamie Purpora, his Little Drummer Boy wife-beater Jeremy Crowther, Phony “drummer” and Counterfeit Italian Dean Scavone ( A bitter old fat slob/porn monger, not that he would ever know what to with a sexy woman), and that leaves us with washed-up decrepit old “comic” Frazier Smith, who needs his KLOS paycheck from Rich Cuban Alex to supplement his Social Security. We all know where he gets his “brown lipstick”! By the way, how do you spell “same old nostalgic shit day-in/day-out”? K-L-O-S. The Counter-Invasion of Los Angeles is coming, bitches. There’s a new Sheriff in town – and his Cuban name is Oscar Espinna Cruz !!!

  85. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    And let make me make this perfectly clear, right now: If any of the Petetsons, or any of their ass-hole-iates, get onto my PERSONAL SPACE EVER AGAIN, it will be met with UNMITIGATED VIOLENCE !

  86. Oscar Cruz says:

    Suddenly, I don’t need the answers, I’m ready to take all my chances….

  87. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Hey, it worked at the conclusion of Stephen King’s The Stand, and after all, there are tactical nuclear weapons at Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson – no matter what the Pentagon claims about it….( Hello There, cousin Laura !)

  88. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    NOT HIP, THEY HAVE TO GO ! How do spell Corporate Bullshit ? K-L-O-S ! PUT THAT IN YOUR BONG PIPE AND SMOKE IT FOR 420 DAY! After all, April 20 is Hitler’ Birthday !

  89. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    So, you’re the 420 Comic. Can I be the .357 Singer? Works for me….( I mention it only in passing…)

  90. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Do you honestly think that 420 is going to get away with messing with this Crazy Cuban Son Of A Bitch, and that the Cuban Exile community is going to let him get away it ? Can you hear that chico, Alex Meruelo at KLOS ? Or that the Ancient Old Fart Corporate Cocksucker Frazer Smith is going to go on giving him a platform to lie about me? FUCK NO BITCHES ! Go fucking call Social Security and retire your worthless White Trash Ass, or face Nuclear Winter in cyberspace and the media ! THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM THE RECKONING, Mother Fucker Bitch….

  91. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    It is interesting that Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic threatens to murder me, in public, as if I am afraid to die. Did I ever say I was afraid of dying? Is there something to fear beyond death ? I believe Jeff Peterson is going to be the one to discover the answers to these eternal questions…and he may not like what awaits him on The Other Side…

  92. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    And another thing : Dan Peterson can take his idle threats and Facebook lies and stick’em in the pussy of the bitch who brought his in-bred white trash son-of-a-bitch baby boy into this world !

  93. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Oh, no, darlings, it seems Rich Cuban Alex Meruelo ( Owner of KLOS, where you can hear the same 4 or 5 classic rock songs over and over, every hour – you know, the ones your Taylor Swift-loving niece doesn’t give a flying fuck about…) gave that senior citizen with dementia Frazer Smith his papers for the unemployment office. I suppose Frazer Smith can just ask for his Social Security check now, to spend on his dildo – loving boyfriend Jeff Peterson, the 420 Cocksucker. Let me explain something to you, Frazer Bitch : Meruelo doesn’t need to pay you a premium for being “cool”. Peter Grant, manager of Led Zeppelin, did not do it for Bill Graham…and you are not a Bill Graham, are you, you silly cunt ? You took your “legendary status” in comedy and attached it to a worthless white trash drug pusher from Tujunga – who is a card-carrying member of the Johnny Depp He-Man wife-abusers club. Did you read the divorce petition, Frazer ? No, of course not, because Frazer Smith doesn’t want the TRUTH about the 420 Comic. Because you want “A Different Kind Of Truth” David Lee Roth was warning us about. You have a lot of nerve making jokes about Jerry Sandusky, you God Damned Fucking Hypocrite ! You think you’re a Superstar, and yet you’re still treading the boards at Ye Hoary Old Ice House ! Who the fuck do think you are, bitch, Kevin Hart ? Are you going to be in Jumanji 3 ? Do any of the Jonas Brothers know who the fuck Frazer Smith is ? You know your gay lover the 420 Comic was banned from the Ice House, don’t you ? ( Banned In LA, indeed!) True story: I met the greatest comic of all time, Bob Hope, in 1986. Do I even have to ask if Bob Hope would ever cozy-up to a white trash piece of shit like the 420 Comic ? But you did…look in the mirror, twat , ’cause that’s on YOU ! Why don’t you do yourself a favor Frazer, and call the 420 Comic’s attorney Allison Margolis for advice. She should be done being fucked in the ass by Gavin Newsom sometime later this afternoon ! You choose the wrong friend, old man…and this time it’s going to cost you your “reputation” ! NOT HIP, YOU’VE GOT TO GO !!!

  94. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Sorry, little Jeff, but I just ripped you a NEW asshole in cyberspace…the OLD one is stuffed full of your ex-wife’s dildos ! P.S. : This Christmas, Baby Jesus Loves the 420 Comic – and everyone else thinks he’s a FUCKING ASSHOLE ! ( Dildos not included, sold separately)

  95. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    See Dan Peterson’s Facebook for a heart-warming Holiday photo of the children and grandchildren that Child Protective Services should have taken away to foster care by now…because he’s a fucking tranny-loving drug addict pot head, after all ! ( Duh, Nar-Nar) Be a dear, and call CPS right now…and tell ’em Santa sent ‘ya !!! Hey Shane Peterson, yeah, you with the stupid-looking beard. It’s not working, you stupid white trash Tujunga mother fucking coward ! I can still recognize you, you silly little cunt ! Whatever, bitch…just go back to butt-fucking your Uncle Jeff’s ass full of Holiday Cheer ! Happy 2021, and remember, Jesus loves you, and everybody else knows you’re a wimpy coward !

  96. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    GET IN THE RING, YOU FUCKING FRAUD FRAZER SMITH ! LET’S SEE IF YOU CAN STILL WIN ONE FOR THE ‘GIPPER !!! ( Answer me, bitch, don’t wait for the translation from the teleprompter ! )

  97. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Jeff Peterson is like a broken clock – he only tells the truth twice a day ! Once when he says he wants to smoke a joint, and once when he says he wants to fuck some stupid slut he picked up in some Vegas dive bar !

  98. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic recently sang with a band again, and said that “He’s still got it ! “. I reckon what he’s still got is Herpes, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Genital Warts, and whichever venereal disease that lowdown good for nothing, skeezer-lovin’, lying drug addict sack of shit cocksucker bitch can fit up his decrepit white trash ASSHOLE ! ” Oh, I didn’t drive here in my wife’s car, I took the city bus from Tujunga” ( As said to the LAPD, 2008 ) Yeah, right cracker bitch…why don’t you just pour some anti-freeze fluid UP YOUR FUCKING 420 ASS, you worthless cunt ! FUCK YOU ! Your mother sucks cocks in HELL, Peterson ! (Thanks, William Peter Blatty !)

  99. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Dan Peterson is going by the name Dan Peter Peterson now…so named because he’ll stick his Peter in any AIDS-ridden drug addict trash tranny he can find ! Hey Dan ( or is it Peter ?), are those the old war stories you told your grandchildren when you put them on your lap this past Christmas Eve ? No ? Well whatever, I’m calling CPS !

  100. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    You lowdown, good-for-nothing, dirty double-crossing, no-good swindler drug addict White Trash piece of shit, son of a bitch Mafia hitter Shane Peterson ! Call your Armo Shyster at the Troubadour and find what I said about you now…and Elton John is going to hear about it, too ! I’ll fix you, you silly cunt, I’ll fix you…

  101. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Look at that fat fucking creep 420 on the stage. I know he smokes pot, because it looks like he ate up an entire 7-11 on Las Vegas Bkvd. when got the munchies afterwards ! Jeff Peterson and his ugly girlfriend are so fat that when they sit around the house THEY REALLY SIT AROUND THE HOUSE ! But Jeff is happy, because he has Frazer Smith sucking his tony dick while his nephew Shane fucks him in the ass. So you think you’re really a bad-ass, do you creep ? I know who the FAT ASS is, you fucking tub of lard ! Do you feel lucky, punk. now do ya ?

  102. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Put your head between your legs and KISS your comedy career’s ass goodbye, white trash bitch, because you’re not going to have a POT to piss in by the time 2021 arrives ! You mother fucking, worthless drug addict, mooching loser, Sociopathic Parasite son of a God damn fucking bitch, you are not going to even be able to headline a men’s room in a broken-down gas station in Barstow by time I GET DONE WITH YOU !!!

  103. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Hey, wake up drug addict mother fucker, it ‘s Sunday morning, and you don’t have a job to support your girlfriend, do you ? Sit down for a breakfast of Eating A Dick, Eating A Full Sack Of White Trash Shit, and Drinking A Nice, Tall Glass Of Shut The Fuck Up. You are about have your cracker ass handed to you by Wendy Dio,, the Troubadour, and maybe even Sharon Osbourne herself. Not to mention the DEA, the FBI,.the LVMPD, Governor Sisolak, and even, your favorite ’till January 20th, President Donald J. Trump ! Don’t bother calling your 90210 attorney Allison Margolis, because I did that for you, already. She said she can’t talk to you until Monday afternoon, because she’s too busy being FUCKED UP THE ASS by Gavin Newsom ! Hey, turns out that Margolis, Shane, and you have a lot in common, after all ! Oh, and next time, little Napolianic Jeffrey, GET A REAL HARVARD LAYWER, like Torry Castellano, or Big Alan D, not some silly cunt who found her law degree at the the bottom of a box of CRACKER Jacks, like your precious VP Kamala Harris ! CRACKER Jacks , get it ? Ain’t that a knee-slapper ! (or a bitch-slapper, take your pick ! ) Now, you worthless load-that-should-been-swallowed, I am off to target practice in the remote Sonoran Desert…oh but don’t worry, Only The GOOD Die Young, right ? ( Now he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A. …)

  104. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    The 420 Comic + Frazer Smith : A Dead Ringer for Love ! Jeff and Frazer want to do so many naughty things to each other for Christmas that Santa is never going to take them off his Bad List ! Jeff Peterson gave Frazer Smith an exclusive tour of HIS “North Pole” ! Remember, Baby Jesus Loves you guys, and everybody else thinks you’re a couple of ASSHOLES ! How does Frazer Smith spell Meal Ticket ? K-L-O-S….How does The 420 Comic spell Meal Ticket ? He can’t spell, he just keeps on suckin” on Frazer Smith’s dick !

  105. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Word to the wise : If you walk on Las Vegas Blvd., and someone hands you one of those photo business cards of gay prostitutes, you are NOT going to get the handsome guy from the photo. You are going to get : JEFF PETERSON – MALE PROSTITUTE ! That’s right, fellas, it’s like the gigolo on the original Saturday Night Live, but only the White Trash Tujunga version ! That’s JEFF PETERSON – MALE PROSTITUTE ! You can also ask his pimp Shane Peterson to hook you up…the only kind of crack he’s selling these days is the one in the middle of his uncle’s butt ! They both found out it pays better than being a stand-up comic in Vegas ! Tell ‘ em Frazer Smith sent ‘ya ! ( By the way, how does the 420 Comic know when it’s time to “service” Frazer Smith ? When his asshole stops burning !

  106. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    It’s Sunday night, folks, and you know what time it is ! It’s time for Jeff Peterson to give Frazer Smith a blow job under the table while they are on the air at KLOS ! Don’t tell Alex Meruelo that they’re goofing-off on the job….even if they’re jacking each other off on the job ! Frazer Smith makes a salary, while the 420 Comic gets paid by the hour…just like any other man-whore off the street ! Love makes you do crazy things, doesn’t it ?

  107. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    I heard the 420 Comic’s mother died of cancer. That’s tragic. The saddest thing is she is not here for me to punch his Momma in the Mouth for the way she raised her lowdown, lying, good for nothing, lazy, worthless, double-crossin’, drug addict son of a bitch children !

  108. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    WHITE TRASH LIVES DON’T MATTER ! * Black people hate white trash ( Especially when you give Dave Chappelle 16 minutes to open Saturday Night Live ! ) * Mexicans hate white trash ( Because white trash don’t have any money to hire them to landscape their trailer park ! They spent it on meth ! ) * Asians hate white trash ( That’s why they sent over the Coronavirus ! ) * Rich White people hate white trash ( They pretend San Bernardino isn’t even there on the map ! ) , and White Trash hate each other ! So you see, it’s unanimous: Everybody hates White Trash ! So, let’s all join hands and sing, WHITE TRASH LIVES DON’T MATTER !

  109. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Jeff Peterson is SO happy about the $600 stimulus checks. Now he can get his fat girlfriend off his back for a while about him being a gigolo and a mooch ! Now he doesn’t have to barge into Congresswoman Dina Titus office on Main St. like a white trash gangster, to yell, “Hey, you ! Where’s my money, mother fucker ?! I’ve got my mind on my money and my money on my mind ! Messing with my money is like messing with my marijuana! ” Maybe then the Secret Service could bust his Cracker Ass back to white trash Tujunga where it belongs !

  110. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Hey, folks, this just in : The 420 Comic’s pimp, Shane Peterson, is pimpin’ his uncle’s white trash butt crack for special LOW rate in honor of these $600 stimulus checks ! So, whatta you say Vegas boys, you want some “stimulus”, you lookin’ for some action, you lookin’ for a party, you lookin’ for a date ?! It’s just like this one time, at a gay biker bar, when Mr. T went up to Jeff Peterson and said, “Ay, Boy, ya look mighty cute in them jeans. Why don’t ya bend over so I can fuck ya in the ass ? ! ” I don’t know if the 420 Comic told any stupid jokes then, but it sure as hell must of looked funny when Mr. T was fucking him in ass in the middle of that gay bar ! By the way, that was a different Mr. T than the one Jeff Peterson THINKS he knows…

  111. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    I HATE YOU like black people hate the police…I HATE YOU like Mexicans hate Donald Trump…I HATE YOU like Republicans hate Obamacare…I HATE YOU like the 420 Comic hates to pay for rent and utilities…and I HATE YOU like tranny lovin’ Dan Peter Peterson hates to pay child support ! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU ! ( That’s O-Dio in Spanish ! ) – Kenan Wayans, “50 Shades of Black”

  112. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    The more Jeff Peterson and his corrupt shyster lawyer talk trash at my Cuban face about the First Amendment, the more I will talking about the Second Amendment in a sporting goods store ! White Trash Bitch THERE IS a God Damn permanent solution to your Mother Fucking temporary problem with me ! Now Hear This, Cracker Clown : Your occupation of Las Vegas has ended ! Jeff and Shane Peterson are to pack all of their silly things and leave Las Vegas, Nevada immediately, and they must never return ! DO IT NOW, or you will noticing more and more Israeli and Ukrainian tourists at your stand-up gigs…

  113. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Cue up Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s “Texan Love Song”, right now ! “Then you came along with your drug-crazy songs ! God Damn It ….” ( Check’s in the mail, Elton and Bernie, thanks a million…CNN BREAKING NEWS ! This just in : Homophobic stand-up comedian Sam Kinison IS STILL DEAD ! If there are any further developments on this story we’ll break into programming and get that to you, right away !…Oh, and Sam, if you’re listening , and still looking for that apology from Elton, why don’t you look for it in the wreckage of your fine motor car ?! By the way, does the name Ryan White mean anything to you ?

  114. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    I just got a new full time job, plus another stimulus check from MY Uncle Donald ! Jeff Peterson’s getting $2000 worth of dildos, plus a BIg Fat Writ up his white trash ass from Wendy Dio AND Sharon Osbourne ! Don’t bother making that phone call, because I already contacted Mariska Hargitay at 30 Rock in Manhattan ! I’m so happy, I Feel Like A Bullet In The Gunn Of Maya Ford ! Looks like it’s Curtains for good ol” Jeffrey in Sin City….speaking of which, your little Cracker Coward nephew Shane is in for One Big Mother Fuckin’ Surprise in regard to his stagehand business in Vegas ! He’ll have to start a new HANDJOB business ! In the words of Green Day, Sewer Shane, no one ever died for YOUR SINS IN HELL, far as I can tell, that you THINK you’ve gotten away with ! Word to ya Mother!

  115. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Perhaps Wendy Dio will tell us once and for all if Ronnie James Dio wrote the song “Another Lie” about the 420 Fraud, Jeff Peterson ! ( By the way, shouldn’t we change the name of this website to “Suck On This, Jeff PeterHead ! “)

  116. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    Warner Brothers and DC Comics present DAN “PETER” PETERSON in TRANNY MAN ! In theatres and HBO Max this Valentine’s Day ! Special World Premiere Valentine’s Night at the Tomcat Theatre on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood ! Masters of Ceremonies: Jeff Dildo Peterson and Shane Cracker Coward Peterson, and a special tribute to the late Sam Kinison !

  117. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    And Another Thing ! : I’ll tell you who’s sweatin’ more than Jerry Sandusky, you mother fuckin’ Frazer Smith at KLOS : Jeff Peterson, when he sees the Burbank Police in his Fat Girlfriend’s rear view mirror ! So take that, Mr. Know-It-All ! And I know you’ve been two-timin ‘ your 420 Bitch, too, with that cute receptionist at the Ice House, who doesn’t know what you stuff down your pants to make people THINK you’re a man ! Take that, you Dirty Old FM Radio Bastard !

  118. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:


  119. Oscar Espinna Cruz says:

    YOU ARE GOING TO BE NEXT, PETERSON LIBERAL BITCHES…This Day WILL Forever Be Remembered – January 6, 2021 !

  120. Adam says:

    This guy stole money from me and my mom


    The Governors of Nevada and Colorado, Carolyn Goodman the Mayor of Las Vegas, Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada, and the Denver Improv ALL KNOW about Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic to murder me. Conspiracy to commit a murder is a FELONY. Telling people that are going to murder someone on Facebook is an act of Domestic Terrorism. I have the evidence and witnesses that Jeff Peterson the 420 Comic told me TO MY FACE at the Armored Saint concert, at Count Vamp’d in Las Vegas, on August 16, 2018, that he was GOING TO KILL ME ! So if I was Jeff Peterson, the 420 White Trash Dumbfuck, I would SHUT THE FUCK UP, Right Now, and put his head between his legs and Kiss his sorry ass Mother fucking career GOODBYE ! – Oscar Espinna Cruz, Jr. , Tucson, AZ

  122. Oscar Cruz Jr. says:

    The 420 Comic’s girlfriend is SO ugly…( How ugly is she ?! ) She’s so ugly that I couldn’t tell if that was his GIRLFRIEND, or a DOG that had her ASS shaved and taught to walk backwards ! And for an extra $20, the 420 Comic’s girlfriend will drive her lowlife excuse for a “boyfriend” to be the headliner at the Klu Klux Klan cookout ! Be advised, potential suitors: Her cooking will give you diarrhea, and her vagina will give you gonorrhea! So don’t forget to wear a condom, and bring your Exorcist Barf Bag !

  123. Oscar Cruz Jr. says:

    And about wearing a condom and bringing an Exorcist Barf Bag, to spend the night with “Mrs. Peterson”…Just as soon as you see how FUCKING UGLY she is, you are not going to know weather to BARF in that Bag, or instead, put that Bag over her head, so you won’t have to see her UGLY face ever again ! So, in the words of the Immortal William Peter Blatty, ” Jesus Loves Jeff Peterson…and Everybody Else thinks he’s an ASSHOLE !!! “

  124. Oscar Espinna Cruz, Jr. says:

    What makes the Petersons different from other American families? Well, that’s ’cause they DON’T WIPE THEIR BUTTS after they use the toilet !

  125. Guess what, Bitch : I’m the One who’s calling YOU a marijuana criminal, Mother Fucker ! So, what’s sa’ matter, ASSHOLE Issac Fuckin’ Newton , ‘ya all outta observations? Why don’t YOU observe, while I call your girlfriend an ugly tramp, your brother a Tranny-Lovin’ Wanna-be Pimp and a White Trash Tujunga Drug Kingpin, and your stupid pothead/drug addict/WT Mafia Hitter nephew Shane, who’s runnin’ from The Law ( And the lowdown excuse for a wife or a girlfriend that he’s Fucking in the Ass RIGHT NOW, because she ain’t woman enough to find a Real Man ! ) Why doesn’t Shane try that on my ex-gangsta brother-in-law, and his OGs back in LA, and see what happens to his Cowardly Cracker Ass after that ?! You know my little sister’s an ex-gangsta too, now don’tcha ?! So shut the Tujunga White Trash Hole in your Face, silly little cunts…and observe while I jump in my Lincoln and Drive the Fuck Off !

  126. Westbound and Down, loaded up an’ truckin’ ! I’m gonna do what THEY said can’t be done ! I’ve got a long way to go, an’ a short time to get there, I’m Westbound, just watch Ol’ Oscar run ! ( Looks like the 420’s doing a 180 ! ) ( Jerry Reed, 1976 )

  127. …and if any of this is makin’ you sick, then bring your own Exorcist Barf Bag ! Because you better not be throwin’ up on any brother’s clothes ! ( Richard Pryor )

  128. ” I’m tellin’ all of Jeff’s Bitches, and ALL of his ‘Hoes, go to the Free Clinic, and check your Ass-Holes ! ” Dirty Ass Slut, go wash-out your beav’va, ain’t nobody here wanna fuck you, neither ! Not after you bent over for the 420 Herpes Hard-On ! “I saw him talking to that slut named Starr, the one who hangs out in a Vegas bar…” ( Typical Cheatin’ Lyin’ Sack of Shit Boyfriend of yours ! ) “We gotta Get-get-get-get Ridda’ That Girl ! ” Yo, what up, Vegas, the Donnas and the 2 Live Crew in da’ house !!! “Comin’ from Miami and Palo Alto, C-A, Bullet in yo’ ASS if they don’t get paid !”

  129. 420 Broke Dick Dog Mutta Fucka’ , you don’t have enough nickels in your pockets to buy the medicine for the yeast infection in your ‘Horey Bitch’s smelly cunt RIGHT NOW ! You need a Comedy Club with Money, so you tried to have class, sucking ANY dick for a backstage pass ! We’ll see how FAST your “Circle of Friends” disappears when you’re NOT around to be smokin’ them out and blazin’ with’ em ! The only kinda “homies” you’re gonna be telling your lame jokes to are the same White Trash Mafia Meth Dealers and Nazi Biker Wanna-be Gangsta’s you party’ed with back in Tujunga…and YOU are going to be their BITCH, New Jack Jailbird !

  130. The 420 Comic is like a Broken Clock : He only tells the truth twice a day ! Once, when he says he wants to smoke more marijuana ; And once, when he says he wants to fuck his Dirty Ass ‘Hoe excuse-for-a-Girlfriend in her butt, again !

  131. I’m tellin’ all the people not hip to the fact, Jeff Peterson’s the kinda Bitch ‘sell his own Butt Crack to : The Dopeman, Dopeman…Dopeman, Dopeman

  132. Knucklehead Stoner, ‘done turned into a crook, Swearin’ up’n’down that you’re not fuckin’ hooked…White Trash Gank’s got the Fake, but I got The Real…Yeah, I’m a Cuban Gangsta’, but I got The Flavor…We, The Jury, in the above and titled action, find the Knightriot/Peterson Drug Mafia, GUILTY of being a lowdown, good-for-nothin, Chicken-Shit, violent homophobic, drug addict, dope-traffickin’ bunch of worthless wanna-be pimpin’ Tujunga White Trash Mother Fuckers !

  133. “If you think the 420 Comic’s funny, you’re a Stupid Mother Fucker, Everybody Knows he’s a Comedy Clunker !

  134. “I’m tellin’ all the people not hip to the fact, that the Donnas Rule, and the 420 Comic is Whack….Comin’ down from Palo Alto, Cali-fornia, C-A, A bullet in yo’ ASS, if they don’t get paid ! Now these Fine Girls know what they Do and Say, so don’t get no Bright Ideas ’bout YOU gettin’ laid !

  135. Now, all of you Dirty, Drugged-Out Honky White Boys need to take a Time Out, SIT DOWN, AND THINK about ALL of your Fucked-up Funky Ways – Y’all Need Jesus !

  136. HEY ! Jeff Peterson, the 420 Comic : Your Movie Director wants you to come off all Funky-Fresh , but you gotta NOT SUCK next time !

  137. Jeff thinks he’s a Pimp from the 1980’s , He has a Herpes Dick for all of the Ladies, Jeff doesn’t care if you have three babies, but if he gives you a “ride” , it sure AIN’T Mercedes ! Jeff is such a prick, that he won’t ask “Please “, he just nibbles on a Club.Owner’s Dick, like a Rat does cheese ! ( The 2 Live Crew, Miami, FL )

  138. Jeff and his girl were bored, and said , “Hey, this really sucks” , So his stoned Druggie Brother said, ” How’ bout a Gang-Fuck !” , but when Jeff’s turn came, he was shit-outta luck, ’cause he struck his Herpes Dick in, and it got struck ! Jeff’s Girlfriend yelled, ” STOP, please, y’all Bustin’ Me Out ! But then, that’s the kinda’ slut, that she’s all about ! ‘Cuz she’s the kinda skank, that really don’t mind, if there’s four or five dudes, waxin’ Her Behind ! So, I’m tellin’ all of Jeff’s Bitches, and all of His ‘Hoes, Stop by the Free Clinic, and check your Ass-Holes ! ( The 2 Live Crew, Miami, FL )

  139. Oscar "Cuban Gangsta' " Cruz says:

    “Straight Outta ‘Paly, the Donnas are Cool …So don’t you be sayin’ somethin’ ’bout their School ! ‘Cuz then you’re gonna see act a Mother Fuckin’ Fool ! Yo’ , What The Fuck are they yellin’ ?! : The Donnas Rule ! “

  140. Jeff needs a Girlfriend With Money, ‘cuz he’s got NO class, Suckin’ ANY Dick for a backstage pass, When he’s smokin’ a joint, he’d better make it last, because a Gigolo’s drug money ‘sure runs out FAST ! ( by Gangsta’ Cuban Oscar C., an’ don’t even THINK about messin’ with me ! )

  141. ( I got one more Diddy for the Donnas, an’ it goes a little somethin’ like this – ) “Now, these FINE ladies, they had a plan, they were out to beat the boys, with their band, They said, ,”C’mon dudes, let’s get it on !”, and they proceeded to tear that night-club down ! They’re an American Band ! They’re an American Band ! Donnas come to your town, they’ll make you party – down, they’re an American Band ! ” ( Grand Funk Railroad, 1973 )

  142. See, Jeff’s the kind of Mutta’ Fucka’ out blazin’ with a friend, but when he run out’ta Money, he deals HIS own rear-end, Always loves the kind drugs that are floatin’ for Free, just like he’s on probation, or bein’ a pa-rol-lee ! White Trash loadies jealous ‘cuz I’m Rich, Can’t get enough Money off his Fat Lazy Bitch ! Slut is saving all her dollars for a New Pair of Tits, then she’ll get a new boy-friend who ain’t Lowdown Shit ! For Him it’s all Drugs and Bitches, For Her it’s ALL about the Money, and the worst thing of all is that his “jokes” are NOT FUNNY !!! Say again – I’m tellin’ ALL of Jeff’s Bitches, and ALL of his ‘Hoes, go to the Free Clinic and treat your Ass-Hole ! ( by Oscar the Cuban Gangsta’ Cruz, an’ if ‘ya don’t know, NOW ‘ya know, Mutta Fucka’s ! )

  143. “Stoner Mother Fucker showin’ off, for The White Bitch !”

  144. “See, you’ll be workin’ on your creative abilities, ‘cept you’ll be doin’ it from Correctional Facilities! ” ( N.W.A.)

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